The Lola - Member Spotlight Meet Gigi Miller

In 2021, Gigi Miller decluttered her mind, space, and schedule, and gained a newfound confidence. In 2022 she continues to help clients do the same.

Gigi Miller values the valuable, whether it is for her, or her client at Vision Organizing, LLC. Gigi's biggest lesson of 2021 is to focus on what really matters, and not on the clutter of relationships, overcommitted schedules, and unrealistic expectations.

Briefly describe who you are, what brings you the most joy in life? How do you unwind and have fun?

My name is Gigi Miller, and I am the founder of Vision Organizing, LLC. I love helping clients clear the physical and mental clutter from their lives so that they can focus on what is most important to them. Spending time with my family (I have a large extended family) and traveling with my husband bring me the most joy. I love walking and using that time to think and plan. I get some of my best ideas while walking. And let’s not forget great wine, food, and connecting with friends. And laughter…lots of laughter.

What is the key problem your business or company solves, who does it solve it for and how does it solve it?

Vision Organizing provides space organization and time management solutions for individuals, families, and businesses. We create order out of chaos, provide clarity, and boost overall well-being by simplifying a client’s life. In addition to our one-on-one sessions, we offer virtual and in-person training workshops that are tailored to fit our clients’ organizing and productivity goals.

Reflecting on 2021, what have been your biggest lessons over the past 12 months?

I have learned many lessons this past year that have shaped how I am now approaching 2022. I did some decluttering of my own in my physical space, with my relationships, overcommitted schedule, and unrealistic expectations… just to name a few.

Where are you right now in your life and career, what is your hope for your next chapter?

I’m in an interesting place because I feel very settled here in Atlanta, in my community, and with my business. But I’m ready for change. I don’t know exactly what that looks like, but I know it involves a physical move and hopefully that will be to Europe for a year, but I’ll take 3 months! Did I mention I’m obsessed with my nephews and niece? I don’t want to miss any cuteness but that is what trips home and FaceTime are for.

What are your top three goals for 2022?

“To delegate so I can focus on growth (personally and professionally). To learn French. It is so hard! To be happy. Simple as that.”

What has been holding you back and where do you most need help in reaching your goals this year?

Fear of making changes to my business. I always need accountability and support but mostly right now I need resources. It is time to grow my team so if you know anyone who loves to declutter and organize spaces and is interested in a flexible and fun opportunity, send them my way.

When you feel stuck, how, or where do you typically find the help and support you need?

My women owned business networking groups, The Lola, and my Live Alive accountability group have been my saving grace. I was lucky enough to have my best year yet in 2021 and it was because of all these amazing women in my life supporting and encouraging me every step of the way. And I should probably mention my husband who is my #1 supporter.

From your own experience, what process or tips can you share with other Members around creating a career vision for yourself and setting annual goals?

One thing I wish I had done from the beginning was to hire experts instead of trying to figure it all out on my own.

What tools or resources do you use to help you streamline and automate your business and processes?

I love Outlook for calendar and email, Calendly for scheduling, Canva for social media, QuickBooks for bookkeeping, and Squarespace for my website and newsletter.

Give/Get: What value do you bring to The Lola community and are there any special offers you’d like to make Members aware of right now? Is there anything else you need support with?

I love my Lola community and I am here to support and encourage anyone that is feeling overwhelmed by their life. The mental clutter is real! Did I mention I need to hire some amazing organizing assistants?

Member testimonial. In around 50 words or less could you share the biggest value The Lola has added to your life and career since joining? How has The Lola community and its Members helped you find success?

The professional and personal development opportunities through workshops, coffee chats, member collaborations and events have been one of the biggest values. And the other is the people.

Is there anything else you’d like to share that may give us a better understanding of who you are and your personal story?

I would just like to stay THANK YOU to every person I have interacted with through The Lola.


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