How To Organize Your Files

A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE:  One of my goals as a Professional Organizer is to help my clients set up, organize, and de-clutter their papers and filing systems.  Please check with your accountant, financial advisor, or attorney before tossing/shredding any important legal, business, or financial paperwork. 

Step 1: Sort Your Paper

Sort paperwork into three different categories. Documents to keep permanently. Documents to keep temporarily and things to shred. You may want to also consider scanning or taking a digital picture of documents you may want to reference again, but don't want to keep permanently. 

Step 2: Step Up a System

You'll want to set up a filing system that works for you. First, consider how much paperwork or how many documents you have. If you don't have a lot, you may just want to sort the documents you plan to keep into active and inactive files. Organize and store the active files in an open-topped filing box on your desk or bookshelf. The rest can be stored in a filing cabinet or box. 

Step 3: Create a Labeling System

The key is to create main categories and clearly label the tabs on your hanging files. The more specific you get with your categories, the easier it will be to find what you need. For example, create a hanging file for “Medical” for each family member.  Inside include file folders for medical records, prescriptions, dental, and vision. 

Filing categories may include Current Year Paid Bills, Current Year Taxes, Banking, Credit Cards, Investments, Work Reference, Health, Home, Insurance, Auto, Kids School Records, Credit Scores, Pets, Travel, etc. 

Step 4: Store Permanent Files Securely

To create more room in your file cabinet, store permanent files away separately. Many of these items should be stored in a safety deposit box. For example passports, social security cards, original documents, etc. Ten years of tax files, mortgage documents, deeds, etc. can be stored in weathertight containers in a closet. 

Step 5: Shred Often

Protect your identity and save space by regularly shredding paperwork and files you no longer need. Pay special attention to anything with your address, birthday, social security number, or bank accounts on it. 

Step 6: Use Your Filing System

Keep your files current by filing items as you get them. If you are replacing documents in a file, be sure to remove the old one and shred it. 

Not a fan of paper and file management? Schedule a free discovery call with us to learn how we can provide organization and productivity solutions for your home, work, and life.


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