Tips For Avoiding the January Slump

After the highs of the holiday season, January can turn into the least productive time of year. To help get you out of the January slump, I have outlined six tips to improve your productivity and motivate you to take the first step.

Determine Your Focus Areas

Instead of setting New Year’s Resolutions every year, I determine my focus areas each month. Ask yourself what areas in your life do you want to focus on right now. For example, this month my focus areas include business growth and home improvement.  

Make a List

It seems simple but make a list of tasks you want to accomplish for the week and check things off that you’ve done. Lists are the key to getting organized and accomplishing goals.

Avoid Multitasking

Multi-tasking doesn’t mean you are being more productive it just means you are being busy. Focus on one thing at a time, giving it your full attention and energy. That means turning off your phone and any notifications that could distract you from the task at hand. 

Make Meetings More Productive

Always create an agenda no matter how small the meeting. Use a timer to stay on track and avoid going off the agenda at all costs. New items can be added to the next meeting or schedule one-off meetings as needed. 

Spend Time Outside

Your mind and body need a break and a change of scenery can give you a new perspective. Take time to have a break outside everyday if possible.

Connect With Others

Being social helps break your isolation and connect in new ways with others. Even the small things like waving hello to your neighbor or calling a friend can give you just the right dose of happiness. And the happier you are, the more productive you’ll be. 


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