The 3-Month Declutter Challenge: Transform Your Space and Simplify Your Life: Month 3

Welcome to month 3 of our DECLUTTER challenge! As we continue our journey towards living a simplified life, we will look at sentimental items, conduct a final sweep, establish sustainable habits, and celebrate your success.

Week 9: Sentimental Items

Organizing sentimental items can be challenging, as they hold emotional value and are often tied to cherished memories. However, creating a system to preserve and enjoy these items is important. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Designate a specific space: Create a designated area for your sentimental items to prevent them from getting lost or mixed in with other belongings.

  2. Use storage containers: Utilize clear, airtight containers or archival boxes to store items such as old letters, photographs, and memorabilia. Be sure to label the containers for easy identification.

  3. Digitize where possible: Consider digitizing photographs, letters, and documents to preserve them while reducing physical clutter—store digital copies on a secure hard drive or cloud storage.

Week 10: Final Sweep

  1. Room-by-Room Check: Start by revisiting each room to look for any overlooked items or areas that have accumulated clutter since the initial organizing process began.

  2. Address Missed Areas: Pay special attention to any areas that may have been missed in the previous weeks' organization efforts. These areas could include cabinets, closets, and other storage spaces that may not have been thoroughly decluttered earlier.

Week 11: Establish Sustainable Habits

  • Implement a Daily Decluttering Routine

Tip: Involving the entire family in this practice can foster a sense of collective responsibility. Remember, "a family that declutters together lives in harmony together."

  • Adopt a One-In, One-Out Rule for New Items

    Tip: Keeping a designated box or bin in each closet to collect future donations makes it easier for everyone in the family to adhere to this rule. It also promotes a mindset of intentional consumption and mindful living.

  • Reassess Your Space Seasonally

    Tip: As the seasons change, it's an opportune time to reassess our belongings. Focus on closets where items tend to accumulate quickly. If you have kids, toys, artwork, and school items are important areas to review.

Week 12: Celebrate Your Success: Refect, Reward, Encourage

  • Reflect on the transformation of your living space.

    • How do you feel? Less stressed? More focussed?

    • What positive habits have you embraced?

  • Reward yourself for completing the challenge.

    • Treat yourself to fresh flowers, coffee with a friend, or start a new book!

  • Encourage your friends and family to simplify their lives by sharing your achievements. 

    • Tip: Document your progress with photos and journaling. It is amazing to watch the transformation!

Congratulations on completing the 3-Month Declutter Challenge! 

Embrace your newfound clarity and simplicity and enjoy the benefits of a more organized and peaceful lifestyle.


Spring Organizing Tips


The 3-Month Declutter Challenge: Transform Your Space and Simplify Your Life: Month 2