The 3-Month Declutter Challenge: Transform Your Space and Simplify Your Life: Month 2

Welcome to month 2 of the Declutter Challenge! This month, we will focus on tackling paper + digital clutter, organizing the bathroom, and decluttering the linen closet. Let's dive into the areas of focus for this month.

Month 2: Dive Deeper

Week 5: Home Office and Paperwork

  • Sort through paperwork, file important documents, and shred unnecessary papers.

    • UPS, Staples, and Office Depot offer shredding services.

Week 6: Digital Detox

  • Unsubscribe from unnecessary emails.

  • Organize your photos. 

    • Delete duplicates.

    • Organize by year and then by location.

  • Declutter your phone by deleting unused apps and organizing icons.

Week 7: Bathroom Bliss

  • Purge expired toiletries and medications.

    • Check with your local pharmacy for safe medication disposal options.

Week 8: Bedrooms and Linens

  • Declutter bedside tables and dressers.

  • Sort through linens, keeping only what you need and is in good shape.

    • Pet shelters take old blankets, sheets, and towels.

  • Evaluate furniture and artwork and consider rearranging for a fresh feel.

    • Tip: Update your family photo frames each January.

Tip: Plan Ahead

Throughout this month, remember to set aside dedicated time each day or week to work on these areas. Breaking the tasks into smaller, manageable steps can make the decluttering process feel less overwhelming.

By the end of this month, you'll have successfully decluttered paper and digital items, organized your bathroom, and taken inventory of your linen closet.

Stay tuned for Month 3 of the Declutter Challenge!


The 3-Month Declutter Challenge: Transform Your Space and Simplify Your Life: Month 3


The 3-Month Declutter Challenge: Transform Your Space and Simplify Your Life: Month 1