Back-to-School Organizing and Time Management Tips

1. Create a functional space to store shoes, backpacks, sports equipment, and extra school supplies. Some ideas include shoe racks, over-the-door pocket organizers, baskets, s-hooks, and command hooks.

Tip: Dedicate one basket per person for shoes and add a boot tray for rain boots /muddy shoes.

2. Create a designated kid’s breakfast and snack station. Divide items by category: salty snacks, breakfast bars, fruit snacks, and juice boxes. 

Tip: Drawers work well; don’t forget to label them! 

3. Set up a productive homework /study station. A comfortable chair, good lighting, and an uncluttered, quiet space will help kids focus. 

4. Create morning, afterschool, and evening routines. Routines offer structure, and they help kids AND parents create positive habits.

Tip: Write down everything that needs to happen, estimate how much time is required for each task, and tweak as needed. 

5. Set up a family command center to keep your busy family organized. Use cork boards, whiteboards, or chalk paint to capture events and appointments. 

Tip: Designate one night a week for a family meeting to discuss the upcoming week’s events.

Time Management Tips

To increase focus and have productive study time, try using a timer to create intervals of focus time with frequent breaks.

  1. Choose the assignment. 

  2. Set the timer to 25 minutes.

  3. Work until the timer rings.

  4. Take a five-minute break. 

  5. Set the timer again for 25 minutes. 

How many intervals and breaks you choose, and their length is up to you. The goal is to help your students focus without distractions, feel less overwhelmed, and practice efficient time management.

To learn more about our student organizing services, please get in touch with us via email.


Vision Organizing is dedicated to helping clients clear the physical and mental clutter so that they have time to focus on what is most important. Our philosophy is simplifying spaces, prioritizing time, and balancing work and life.


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