3 Organizing Tips for Fall

Say goodbye to summer and hello to fall! In this blog, I share organizing tips and favorite products to help you get and stay organized.

  1. Get Rid of Things You Didn't Wear This Spring and Summer

    The end of each season is the perfect time to look through your entire closet and declutter! Set aside items you did not wear or use and either donate or check with your local consignment store for collection schedules. Most consignment stores start accepting spring/summer items in February or March.

  2. Store Out-of-Season Items Elsewhere

    If you are like me and don't have a closet big enough to store all of your clothes and accessories in one place, then changing out items seasonally is for you. I pack up my out-of-season clothes and accessories twice a year and store them in labeled bins. This may seem like a lot of work, but this organizing exercise allows me to take inventory of what I have, saves me time and money, and removes the frustration of looking for something in an overcrowded closet.

  3. Prepare Your Mudroom/Entryway

    The mudroom is a landing place for many items: backpacks, coats, sunscreen, mail, and more. Swap out summer items for winter hats and gloves. To make it even easier to get out the door, assign each person a bin/basket to hold winter accessories and a hook or two for a rain jacket, lightweight coat, and heavy coat if needed. The heavy coats stay in my office closet because they rarely get that cold. Rain boots can be contained with a boot tray or shoe mat. Everyday shoes (if space allows) can be organized with a shoe rack. Remember to go vertical to maximize your space.

    Here are a few of my favorite products:

    Happy fall y’all!



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